Dave Karlsson, MSc

Uppsala University – Station Linné


I graduated in systematic entomology at Uppsala University in 2003 (MSc), and the same year I started working as coordinator of the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. I was accepted as PhD-student in Uppsala late 2005, examining the morphology and systematics of diptera-parasitic braconid wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Opiinae). From 2006 I serve as the managing director of Station Linné in Öland (previously known as Uppsala University Ecological Research Station). Since 2007 I have been one of three permanent members of the expert panel in the weekly Swedish Radio show “Naturmorgon i P1”.

Courses: Insects: Inventory and identification (BL7036)

Station Linné
Ölands Skogsby 161
386 93 Färjestaden, Sweden

Phone: +46 485 385 84
E-mail: dave.karlsson@stationlinne.se