I am employed at the Swedish Museum of Natural History as the director of the Swedish Biodiversity Data infrastructure. SBDI (https://biodiversitydata.se) is an e-infrastructure and portal for biodiversity data, with information about populations of plants, animals, fungi and other life forms, as well as molecular and e-DNA biodiversity data. SBDI provides analysis tools and updated taxonomies, as well as offering user support. SBDI includes the Swedish node for the international infrastructure Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) – GBIF Sweden.
My research interests include biodiversity and ecosystem research, climate change: past, present and future, as well as paleobotany and plant physiology.
Courses: Curation and Biodiversity Informatics (BL7035).
Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics,
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Box 50007
104 05 Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)73 523 0123
E-mail: margret.steinthorsdottir@nrm.se