Wenche Eikrem

Associate professor, NABiS coordinator – University of Oslo


Experienced in taxonomy and identification of microalgae/protists including toxic algae using light, fluorescence, transmission and scanning electron microscopy and the isolation and culturing of algae. My work includes the description of several species new to science, ultra-structural studies of protists and development of preparation methods and protocols. Recently, I have started working with molecular techniques such as QPCR (Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) and barcoding. I am also the curator of the Hasle diatom collection at the Natural History Museum in Oslo and editor of the micro-algal list at Artsdatabanken (www. Artsdatabanken.no). I teach microalgae and marine biology at both the undergraduate and graduate level at the University of Oslo (BIO1200, BIO4320, BIO4325). At present I am the principal supervisor of one PhD student and two master students and co-supervising one PhD and 6 master students. I am employed 60 % at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research as a research scientist and 40% at the University of Oslo as an associate professor sharing my time equally between the Natural History Museum and Institute of Biosciences.

Courses: Identification of marine microalgae and macroalgae (BIO4325)

University of Oslo
NO-0318 Oslo, Norway

Phone: +47 228 545 31
E-mail: wenche.eikrem@ibv.uio.no
Personal website