If you have problems applying, please contact the coordinator at your university.
Applying for courses at Swedish Universities
Create an account at University Admissions.se or log in through your university’s student portal or if you are not yet accepted with your e-mail/personal number.
You can then start searching for the courses – easiest by writing the course code in the search box (check that you are searching for the correct semester!). Unfortunately not all courses can be found at University Admissions.se, for those courses mentioned below use the Swedish site Antagning.se.
If you haven’t applied earlier at University Admissions.se you have to upload a couple of documents like transcript, English proficiency, Copy of passport etc. Please read the information at University Admissions.se carefully.
As a Master’s student you probably don’t have to upload any new documents unless you completed a course outside Sweden since last time you did an application.